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Otec troch detí zverejnil zoznam vecí, ktoré by mal pre svoju ženu robiť každý. Okamžite sa stal virálom
Kristián Plaštiak
Kristián Plaštiak

Otec troch detí zverejnil zoznam vecí, ktoré by mal pre svoju ženu robiť každý. Okamžite sa stal virálom

Otec troch detí zverejnil zoznam 5 vecí, ktoré by mal pre svoju ženu robiť každý muž
Otec troch detí zverejnil zoznam 5 vecí, ktoré by mal pre svoju ženu robiť každý muž — Foto: Facebook/Ted Gonder

Príspevok zdieľali už tisíce používateľov Facebooku. Vyjadrila sa aj mužova manželka.

CHICAGO 27. októbra - Rodičovstvo nie je jednoduché. V prvých mesiacoch života dieťaťa sa rodičia iba málokedy plnohodnotne vyspia (ak vôbec), no uľahčiť ho môže skutočnosť, že sú naň dvaja. Dieťa totiž nie je „záležitosťou“ iba jedného z nich, ale oboch.

Ako uvádza portál Bored Panda, v septembri sa internetom začal šíriť zoznam rád či odporúčaní 29-ročného muža, otca troch detí, ktorý chce pomôcť ostatným mužom. Príspevok na jeho profile na sociálnej sieti Facebook by sa dal pokojne nazvať: „Čo by som odkázal môjmu 24-ročnému ja bez detí.“

1. Manželka nosila dieťa pod srdcom dlhých 9 mesiacov

„Manželka nosila dieťa v bruchu 9 mesiacov. Vy by ste jej to mali oplatiť. Noste ho na svojom bruchu, kedykoľvek môžete. Nielenže jej tým pomôžete, ale spojí vás to s dieťaťom viac, ako si dokážete predstaviť,“ otvoril Ted príspevok.

Foto: Facebook/Ted Gonder

My “what I’d tell my childless 24 year old self about how to be a supportive pre/postnatal partner” post now has millions of likes/shares, and thousands of open-hearted strangers have messaged with reactions/questions.? .⠀ They're primarily from new parents on the same few themes, so here are the biggest, along with advice that I'd give to my childless 24yo self: .⠀ 1. Gratitude from women saying the post helped them initiate a crucial conversation about gender roles with their partner, without making him feel attacked.? .⠀ Don't leave it to your wife to initiate this conversation; open the space to explore what role each of you wants to play as you become parents. Relieve the topic's tension so it doesn't explode on you later.?? .⠀ Push each other to think about a “family vision”, considering both of your desires equally, then work backward from that shared vision to plan how you'll manifest that reality together.?? .⠀ 2. Shock at the idea that I had kids in my 20s - lots of people called it crazy and even “dumb.”?⠀ .⠀ Don’t listen to people who say you’re ruining your life by having kids young.?? .⠀ What matters more than age:⠀ .⠀ You and your partners' shared belief that you can grow stronger together through challenges.? .⠀ Your conviction that you want to bring life into this world and give more love than you’ve ever given before.?? .⠀ Your courage to ask family, friends, colleagues, and strangers for support.?‍♂️ .⠀ Your willingness to check your ego and adapt into who the world needs you to be. ✨ .⠀ With these you’ll always find a way to pay for rent and diapers, get another degree, find your next step.? .⠀ And btw, being a young parent is awesome!✊ .⠀ 3. Many women shared that their lives were ruined by weak and selfish men, yet I also saw so many women tag their partners to say "thank you for being my rock!" I often hear people talk about "the lack of good men out there" but seeing so many dads being publicly acknowledged by their appreciative partners made me feel more optimistic about the state and future of masculine culture.? .⠀ Advice: Be the kind of man that improves the reputation of men.? ⠀⠀ Continued below! Tag a friend ????

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Ted Gonder (@tedgonder),

2. Plienky by ste mali vymieňať iba VY

„Manželka dojčí, no hoci je prekrásna, je to pre ňu vyčerpávajúce. Preto meňte plienky VŽDY vy. Cez akési prvotné znechutenie sa prenesiete rýchlo. Zabránite tým akýmkoľvek nerovnostiam vo vzťahu. Ak sa všetky priateľky vašej manželky budú sťažovať, akých majú doma nezaujatých a nepodporujúcich mužov, bude sa sťažovať aj ona na vás.“

Foto: Facebook/Ted Gonder

Got my second official fitness certification! CrossFit Anatomy! And did it all with a baby on my chest during paternity leave. Doesn't make me a professional coach or doctor; did this one so I could learn more about the way my body works and moves. Learned tons of cool stuff about the shoulder joints, hip joints, knee joints, angles of movement and how the human body works to carry large loads long distances. A bit of biology, kinesiology, physiology, and even physics! Felt like I was in college all over again for an hour every few days. ? Now back to work on my real job with the awesome team at MondayVC! We have a company to build. ?

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Ted Gonder (@tedgonder),

3. Šálka kávy každé ráno

„Urobte jej šálku kávy bez kofeínu každé ráno. Aj keby mala vychladnúť a ona na ňu zabudla, pretože zaspala od únavy, zatiaľ čo vy ste boli v práci. Celú noc bola hore a kŕmila dieťa. Pomôžte jej začať deň spôsobom, ktorý jej pomôže.“

Foto: Facebook/Ted Gonder

My wife @franzilovesmondays with a brilliant dose of perspective, truth, and gratitude. ⠀⠀ “Lets talk #paternityleave - I have never felt so emotionally safe and protected than during this postpartum journey. Why? Because @tedgonder had the chance to take a 4-week paternity leave from his #remote leadership position while kids were on summer break and new life moved into our house. Here is what this meant for us and got me thinking about: - he was able to take the boys on adventurous afternoons and get their energy out while I recovered and rested with little Atlas - we were able to sync as a family and feel connected from day one (and yes...that is important for dads too!!) - we share the love, the new emotional labor of caring for another child, and the commitment to making this family adventure a meaningful one (not exhausting one) for all of us - because I was living with and surrounded by my sister, our best friend and the kids' god father and my husband plus my mum I never had the feeling that I have to toughen up and just do it on my own. Where are all the communities and mama supporters these days? How have we as mums gotten to the point where motherhood is a race to the top rather than a shared vision of raising a village of strong, fun, fulfilled, and connected kids? - have we ever thought about the correlation of postpartum #depression and loneliness? Becoming a matter whether its for the first, second, or fifth time is a hormonal and physical sensation that should be a) appreciated and b) enjoyed... With my husband at home I feel like I was 100% able to do so. - last but not least: those boys are also my husband's kids. He loves them. He wants to be around them. He wants to make them feel like that we are a strong-rooted family... So why would he not benefit emotionally from this break of everyday work-AND family life and just be a #dad for a moment? ⠀⠀ As an entrepreneurial family, I am shouting this out to all other fellow entrepreneurs thinking about the #mentalhealth of their employees. Be at the forefront of making life possible for your teams- that is how potential and productivity get unleashed” #mytinytribe #baby #mom #digitalnomad

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Ted Gonder (@tedgonder),

4. Rozprávajte o jej tele, povedzte jej, že je prekrásna

„Hovorte jej, že je prekrásna a pomôžte jej vidieť to aj vo chvíľach, keď o tom pochybuje. Pripomínajte jej ciele, ktoré dosiahla v minulosti. Pripomínajte jej, že je superhrdinkou. Ona totiž prispôsobila svoje orgány a získala 20 kíl navyše iba preto, aby vám dala dieťa, ktoré bude darom do konca vášho života.“

Foto: Facebook/Ted Gonder

Thank you, my love, for our beautiful children. Thank you for your family and relationship vision and belief in what we could build together, especially during times when I lacked proactive vision. Thank you for reminding me to take myself less seriously (especially in the mornings before coffee). Thank you for your courage to be radically yourself regardless of what others--including me--have thought. Thank you for owning your fears and asking for help when you need it. Thank you for taking care of your head and heart so that you have lasting emotional energy in the tank. Thank you for taking care of your body so you can participate as an equal partner with me physically, even through multiple pregnancies. Thank you for voicing your feelings before they are opinions, and the trust it takes for you to know I will hear you out before judging your feelings. Thank you for the patience to help me appreciate your invested household emotional labor--and then share the load. Thank you for always raising the bar for yourself, for us, for me--you make complacency impossible. And thank you for setting this example for our boys, of a strong, self-respecting, boundary-setting, ultrareal, baggage-shedding, norm-challenging, professionally ambitious, and fun-loving woman. It's such a joy to grow this garden with you. #family #love #relationshipgoals

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Ted Gonder (@tedgonder),

5. Normálna situácia sa čoskoro dostaví

„Majte nadhľad. Hormóny sú bláznivé, ako pred, tak aj po pôrode. Nebude vám pripadať svoja každý deň a občas povie veci, ktoré by inak nepovedala. Pamätajte, že vašou prácou je byť skalou, o ktorú sa dokáže oprieť, preto sa zoceľte a držte si odstup, ak jej jazyk bude ostrejší, ako by sama chcela. Normálna situácia sa čoskoro dostaví a chcete, aby bola vďačná za to, že ste zachovali chladnú hlavu, keď nebola sebou samou.“

Foto: Facebook/Ted Gonder

Láska je aktívna

Príspevok otca sa stal virálom, čoskoro ho zdieľalo 56-tisíc používateľov a mĺkvou nezostala ani Franziska Gonderová - žena, o ktorej Ted písal v príspevku: „Aká je moja správa? Za každým silným párom stoja dve individuality, ktoré neustále pomáhajú tomu druhému rásť. Láska je aktívna, nie pasívna.“

Silní manželia a rodičia, Ted a Franziska Gonderovci.
Silní manželia a rodičia, Ted a Franziska Gonderovci. Foto: Facebook/Ted Gonder

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