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Synovi Robina Williamsa sa narodil prvý synček. Nádherne si pri tom uctil svojho otca
Dominika Pacigová
Dominika Pacigová

Synovi Robina Williamsa sa narodil prvý synček. Nádherne si pri tom uctil svojho otca

— Foto: Instagram / heyoliviajune

Zak Williams sa stal otcom, narodil sa mu syn. 

SAN FRANCISCO 16. apríla - Podľa informácií portálu Independent, 22. mája sa najstaršiemu synovi Robina Williamsa a jeho snúbenici Olivii June narodil ich prvý syn. Dali mu meno po Robinovi, volá sa McLaurin Clement Williams. Celé meno svetoznámeho herca totiž bolo Robin McLaurin Williams. Stredné meno milovaného komika je tak prvým menom novonarodeného vnuka, ktorého sa, žiaľ, Robin Williams už nedočkal.

Šťastní rodičia 

Olivia June predstavila v stredu na Instagrame ich malú rodinku. „Spolu so snúbencom Zakom sme veľmi šťastní, že sa nám narodil McLaurin. Samozrejme, že si myslíme, že je to najkrajšie, najmúdrejšie a najroztomilejšie dieťa,“ uvádza na sociálnej sieti s tým, že krásne zábery zachytila Zakova mladšia sestra Zelda Williams.


Introducing you to my little family! My fiancé, Zak, and I were so happy to welcome baby McLaurin to the world on May 22nd. We are beyond thrilled he chose us to be his parents, and obviously think he’s the best, smartest, and cutest baby ever!! In life today, we expect everything to be live shared on social media, and many who are close to me are even just learning this news. ? We’ve kept this news private for a number of reasons, one of which is my increasing emphasis and appreciation for living life away from social media and focusing on my offline relationships, another being the challenges that face us as women startup founders. I have a lot more to say about this later, but at a high level... Becoming a mom is something I’ve always known I wanted, but as an early stage startup founder sometimes sounded impossible, not because I didn’t think I could manage it, but because I knew the extent of bias in the industry against me as a female founder and the fight to be taken seriously in building a business focused on solving social challenges for women. (Not to mention the fact that maternity leave doesn’t exist for me!) As I’m proud to have successfully built a business that doesn’t rely on Silicon Valley VCs caring about women’s friendships to operate and has an amazing supportive team, I’m excited to be expanding my role from global change-maker startup CEO, connecting millions of women to their best friends, to a milk factory, raising a really amazing little man who has a boss mamma. None of this would be possible without the most incredible and supportive partner a woman could ever hope for. Zak, the headline is true, you’re already and will always be, “World’s Greatest Dad!” Mickey and I are the luckiest. ? [Photos by my super talented future sister-in-law @zeldawilliams]

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Olivia June (@heyoliviajune),

Fotky zdieľala na Instagrame aj Zelda. "Som tetou! Zoznámte sa s McLaurinom Clementom Williamsom, ktorý je roztomilý a nesmierne ho milujem," napísala na sociálnej sieti. 

Šťastná správa o narodení ich syna prišla takmer päť rokov po tom, čo komik Williams umrel vo veku 63 rokov.

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