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Mladý kaderník cestuje po svete a strihá ľudí bez domova. S ich príbehmi sa delí na Instagrame, ktorý sleduje celý svet
Kristián Plaštiak
Kristián Plaštiak

Mladý kaderník cestuje po svete a strihá ľudí bez domova. S ich príbehmi sa delí na Instagrame, ktorý sleduje celý svet

— Foto: Instagram/Joshua Coombes

Príbehy bezdomovcov vás chytia za srdce a prinútia vás vážiť si to, čo máte.

LONDÝN 2. apríla - Joshua Coombes nie je obyčajným kaderníkom, ktorý každodenne chodí do salónu, kde strihá a jedným uchom načúva problémom sťažujúcich sa ľudí. Väčšina pracovníkov z jeho remesla to tak robí, no Joshua je predsa len iný. Vytvoril hashtag na Instagrame s názvom #dosomethingfornothing, čo v preklade znamená „urob niečo pre nič“. Cestuje po svete a venuje sa ľuďom bez domova. On ich však iba nestrihá, ale aj počúva a trávi s nimi čas.

Takto navštívil už viacero krajín, okrem iných aj Anglicko, Francúzsko a Holandsko, ale aj Indiu či Aljašku. Stretáva sa s ľuďmi bez domova a kompletne zmení ich výzor. Počúva ich príbeh, a keď dokončí prácu, spýta sa ich, či sa môže s ich príbehom podeliť na svojom Instagrame, aby o ňom vedeli ľudia.


I just arrived in Manchester this evening for @lightnoiseart exhibition tomorrow evening and I’ve been thinking about the last time I was here. This is Chris. He was in a bad way when I first met him. A friend of his had passed away just a few weeks before... Sadly, his friend was one of 50 homeless people who died on streets in Greater Manchester last year. Chris was in the army for years. He spoke a bit about that. “Things have changed a lot since then... I suffered with PTSD for a while afterwards. I didn’t know what to do with myself when that period of time ended. Well, I am. I cut Chris’s hair in an alleyway away from the noise of the city centre nearby. It was nice to share those moments together before he had to run on to an appointment. Before we left, I asked Chris his message: “Have a little bit of love..spread it as much as you you know what I mean? We’re all in this together. We all came into this world the same way...we’ll all go out the same way. We all end up in the same sized fucking box.”. I’d love to see anyone in Manchester at our event tomorrow. Free entry. All welcome. 6pm - 9pm at @theyard_mcr (Link in bio) It’s important to find new ways of telling the story of people like Chris to create a change. I believe in art and expression to do so. #DoSomethingForNothing

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Joshua Coombes (@joshuacoombes),

Príbehy zo života

„Toto je Chris,“ začína príspevok Joshua. „Keď sme sa po prvý raz stretli, bol na tom veľmi zle. Jeden z jeho priateľov pred pár týždňami zomrel. Bol jedným z 50-tich, ktorí zomreli v uliciach Manchestru minulý rok. Chris roky slúžil v armáde. Trochu mi o tom rozprával. Veci sa odvtedy veľmi zmenili. Bol čas, kedy nevedel, čo má so sebou robiť. Ale prekonal to a teraz je tu,“ napísal Joshua a predstavil tak jedného zo svojich špeciálnych zákazníkov.


This is Joe. He grew up in Mexico, moving to America when he was child. We met in Los Angeles earlier this year. I set up a chair and gave some haircuts alongside the good people at @operationhealthyhearts - an amazing group humans that bring different services together to give advice and help to people experiencing homelessness or anyone that has fallen on hard times. Joe was a barber himself earlier in his life - “I used to work in a barber shop for a long time, in east LA. I loved my job. I’d see so many people come and go. That was the favourite part for me in many ways. I liked having the shears in my hand, but the chance to get to know someone new each, I really liked that. You never know what’s gonna happen to you in life. Always expect the unexpected.” #DoSomethingForNothing

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Joshua Coombes (@joshuacoombes),

Rovnaké povolanie

V ďalšom príbehu Joshua narazil na pána, s ktorým mal spoločného viac, ako si myslel. „Toto je Joe. Vyrástol v Mexiku, odkiaľ sa ako malý presťahoval do Ameriky. Stretli sme sa v Los Angeles na začiatku roka. Dal som mu stoličku a ostrihal ho. Povedal mi, že aj on sám kedysi pracoval ako kaderník. Svoju prácu mal rád. Najviac sa mu na nej páčili ľudia, ktorí prichádzali a odchádzali,“ predstavil svetu svojho ďalšieho zákazníka šikovný kaderník.


Yesterday, I ran into Mathew again. We first met in the summer of 2017 in a park not far from this spot, in Central London. Mathew’s been away for a while since we last saw one another. He had his head down but I recognised him. Mathew - “Yeh, I remember - You cut my hair! And for my friend Luke also. It was summer wasn’t it..? I haven’t seen Luke for ages. We were really close. I miss him. He just disappeared one day about a year ago and I have no idea where he is… I find it difficult to get close to people. There’s nobody in particular that I reach out speak with. Things are up and down. Some days are worse than others. The small things that happen each day can help though… Like, I know I’m not all that approachable. I’ve never been very confident socially. But, when people do take the time to have a conversation, it means something. Everyone needs different things in their life. But having someone to listen to you is important for everybody.” #DoSomethingForNothing

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Joshua Coombes (@joshuacoombes),

Ďalšia zastávka - galéria

S nárastom popularity sa Joshua, spoločne s dlhoročným priateľom a umelcom Jamiem, rozhodli nájsť inú cestu, ktorou by ľudí oboznámili s príbehmi bezdomovcov. Odcestovali do Skid Row v Los Angeles. Táto oblasť patrí k najviac zaľudneným miestam ľuďmi bez domova v Spojených štátov amerických. Joshua ľudí strihal a Jamie ich pritom fotil a neskôr namaľoval portréty.

Najali si galériu, v ktorej by mohli svoju prácu vystaviť, a svoju šou nazvali Light and Noise. Dúfali, že sa im podarí vybudovať most medzi bezdomovcami a návštevníkmi z ostatných častí „Mesta anjelov“. Neskôr sa presunuli aj do Joshuovho rodiska Londýna. Plán dvoch nadšených kamarátov vyšiel a šou sa presunula aj do ďalších svetových metropol. Jamieho portréty s Joshuovou prácou obdivovali ľudia v Berlíne, Paríži, Amsterdame či Manchestri.


I’ll never stop opening my heart to new people... A stranger who became a brother to me. Cedric died last year, aged 45. I’m forever grateful for the connection we shared. I first met Cedric in Paris in 2017. At the time, he’d been sleeping on the street for three years. He had a handwritten sign - ‘Vote for me in 2020’ - As soon as I said hello, a big smile appeared. An hour later, I’m handing Cedric the mirror to see his new hairdo. We hung out all day there, listening to punk music and swapping stories. Here’s some of Cedric’s words - “I lived in London for some years with my girlfriend. I remember the carnivals so well, I loved my time there. I wanted to stay in London, but when my girlfriend and I broke up, I came back to Paris. That’s when things went downhill… I had a job at a library. It didn’t pay much but I enjoyed it. One day, I found out the library was closing. We lost our jobs. The rent on my place had already gone up. I started drinking more. I can see now I was depressed...I stopped caring. It wasn’t long before I spent my first night outside. A few months later, I visited Cedric again. After a big hug, I noticed Cedric had a black eye - "There’s so many good people in the day, but at night it can change...There's a bar over there that stays open really late. There was a fight with two men and a woman. It's my fault for saying something, when I did, I got punched.” Cedric had a meeting for some help to get into a room a few days prior. He attended but didn't hear back - "I'm trying and always listening for places, it's not easy. Any weeks with a step forward usually comes with more steps back. I never planned to be here...I hope one day there is another chapter. The third time I visited was different. A mural, painted by the amazing @christianguemy for a beautiful soul, no longer with us. I'm going to continue to make people visible the best I can. I know Cédric would have liked that he played a big part in giving others light also. Making mistakes is human. I don’t forget that. I've seen how love can change people. Listen to The Clash and keep dancing my brother. #DoSomethingForNothing

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Joshua Coombes (@joshuacoombes),

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